image courtesy of flickr user: npslibrarian
A slow computer can put a kink in nearly every task you attempt to complete but with a few computer tips, you can learn how to use a usb thumb drive to increase the speed of your computer and more. Speeding up a slow computer can usually be accomplished by changing a few setting of your machine, cleaning up files and internal storage space and with a few other computer tips, you will be on your way to a significantly faster computer.
The first of the important computer tips is to remove any spyware applications that are on your computer. Spyware is not really harmful per se, but it will cause a computer to slow down significantly since it is always running in the background. Of all the computer tips you may hear about on this topic, this on perhaps has the biggest impact on computer processing time. Several free programs are available that safely remove spyware, including Windows Live OneCare and other freeware or shareware programs.
Number two of our computer tips is simply free up space on your hard drive. Use the Windows Disk Cleanup tool already installed on your Windows machine to free up space and speed things up by way of free PC optimizer. The operating system tool finds files that can be safely deleted – those that will not impact the performance of the system. After the files are identified, the user has the option to determine which files should be deleted and which should be saved. The Windows Desk Cleanup tool allows the user to remove temporary files from the Internet, delete downloaded program files, clean out the recycle bin, get rid of any Windows temporary files such as error reports, delete programs that are no longer used and will give you computer tips on what other files can be safely deleted.
Next on our list of computer tips is the simple process of using the Windows disk defragmenting tool to speed up access to the data on your machine by way of free PC optimizer. When a file is broken up into smaller files – known as fragmented – the computer is forced to search the entire hard drive for all of the pieces to make it work, since it essentially has to but the program puzzle pieces back together. The constant search through all of the files will significantly increase wait time.
The computer should be “defragged” regularly, as the utility can be set up to run once a week as is recommended. But any time you add a large number of files to your computer, the total amount of free disk space available is less than 15 percent or any time a new program is installed or Windows is updated, the computer should be defragged.
Our final in this series of computer tips is how to use ReadyBoost to increase the performance of your computer. Windows Vista and Windows 7 are equipped to run with ReadyBoost, a program that will speed up your computer by telling it how to use a usb thumb drive as extra operating memory. How to use a usb thumb drive to speed up your computer is by treating the drive as extra memory which can be utilized to boost performance.
Microsoft recommends using a usb thumb drive that is one to three times larger than the random access memory installed in your computer. However, the minimum size for the USB flash drive to work is 256 MB.
These computer tips and instructions on how to use a usb thumb drive to increase the operating speed of your machine are suggestions that have been tried and work. Even though many places may try to offer services that teach you how to use a usb thumb drive to increase speed or sell you computer tips that will increase functioning speed, try these computer tips before you invest anything further.
Good advice — and very thorough!
I find most users don’t do these vital actions because they take too long, especially defragmenting. If using the built-in defrag can take a very long time (and you can’t use the PC while it’s running)
I recommend using a good automatic third party program that can defrag transparently while using the PC.
Here is a Top 10 Reviews side-by-side comparison of the best defrag programs around:
The gold medalist also prevents fragmentation.
Get a free trial of the gold medalist at http://www.diskeeper.com