image courtesy of flickr user: garethjmsaunders
The first of our tips and tricks for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 is using the enhanced ribbon toolbar. First featured in Microsoft Office 2007, the ribbon toolbar provides greater flexibility for users through customization abilities. Customize the ribbon toolbar by right-clicking on the ribbon icon and then choose the “Customize the Ribbon” option.
This next in our series of tips and tricks for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 is the ability of creating a video of the presentation without leaving the program. In other versions of Microsoft Office PowerPoint, the user had to download additional software or use a different program to record the presentation as it played, but this time around, it is self-contained. Simply click the Office button in the upper-left corner and choose Share, then Create a Video.
Another of the great tips and tricks for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 is using sections to manage presentations. The new edition of PowerPoint allows you to organize your presentation through putting related slides together under individual sections. Using the customized ribbon tool bar make sorting them as easy as clicking an icon.
In conjunction to the presentation to video option, the built-in screen capture tool is one of the best kept secrets of all tips and tricks for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010. This feature allows the user to take a “snapshot” of the presentation or slide to use in another section of the presentation or for use in other Microsoft products.
Photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop is no longer necessary as the best picture-related of the tips and tricks for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010, is the background removal tool. Also found in Microsoft Word 2010, the background removal tool does as the name suggests – it removes the background of any image by selecting the background removal tool after it is inserted into the presentation.
Using any program to its fullest capability is never as easy as we think it will be – especially in the beginning. But, after using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 regularly and utilizing our tips and tricks for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010, you will see the benefits of the software upgrade in no time. There are also other tutorials on Microsoft Windows software like Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 tips and tricks.