Tag: free computer maintenance

Computer freezes? Need a PC doctor to fix slow computers? Here’s how I clean my PC for free

Finding a PC doctor to fix slow or freezing computers can be a bothersome task that many users would rather not experience. Some PC doctors perform PC  clean ups with great accuracy, however they can be expensive. Users on a budget want to know “How can I clean my PC for FREE?”

Computer freezes can sometimes be fixed by running a simple PC clean up application. Downloading a free PC doctor or similar program can save you lots of time that would otherwise be spent waiting for a program to load or a file to save.

Here’s how I clean …

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What Do Windows Registry Cleaners Do?

Across the web you will find many different registry cleaners for Windows PCs. Some are free and some charge a small fee. But what exactly do these registry cleaners do to your computer? How do they help keep your PC performing its best?

To put it simply, registry cleaners are designed to help achieve better computer optimization. It is important to understand that not all registry cleaners are built equal, and it’s even more important to know exactly what you are installing on your PC.…

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How to Improve PC Performance and Make Windows Run Faster

Sure your state-of-the-art computer looks shiny and fast when you first purchase it, but as always, it seems to get slower over time. You install anti-virus software and dozens of applications, download thousands of MP3 music files, and before you know it, your PC seems to respond extremely slow to every action you try to perform.

So how can you fix your system to get it running like new again? Here are some invaluable tips on how to improve performance and make Windows run faster on your PC again, without upgrading hardware!…

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How to Set Windows Vista to Automatically Install Updates

Windows Update is a Microsoft service that provides updates for Windows Vista and its installed components on your computer. Many different kinds of updates can be installed, from security updates to critical system updates that protect against newly discovered malware and system exploits. These updates can provide significant benefits to system security and reliability.

You can set Windows Vista  to automatically install recommended updates. To have Windows install important updates as they become available, automatic updating must be turned on using Windows Update. Follow these steps to turn on automatic updating for Windows Vista:…

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Important Changes to Windows 7 Networking and Security — Free PC Optimizer

The Windows 7 release made several important changes to networking and security practices that relate to free PC optimizer. Most were made to address issues, suggestions, and complaints. A few, however, were designed to take advantage of some newer technology.
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