image courtesy of flickr user: recoverling
The first step in preventing low memory problems comes is running fewer programs simultaneously. When your computer begins to slowdown, take note of the programs you have running and avoid running them together if possible. Sometimes this problem occurs because the programs are requiring too much of the computer’s memory to operate, and other times the problem may be solved by simply running the disk clean up utility or defragmenting the disk – also known as disk defrag – using the windows 7 built-in utilities.
The disk defrag utility is beneficial in this situation because it performs a form of disk clean up on its own. The disk defrag process inspects your computer’s hard drive for missing, incomplete or damaged files and fixes the problem. For example, if the disk defrag program finds several incomplete file clusters it will either rearrange the files to their appropriate location, or delete the files if it is determined the file clusters are not needed. Either way, the result is increased and improved computer function and improves low memory problems.
Another option for preventing low memory problems in windows 7 is by installing more RAM in your computer. When windows 7 begins to provide low memory warnings regularly, it may be time to increase the RAM available for processing in your computer. The computer manufacturer can tell you what type of RAM is compatible with your machine, as well as providing advice on the installation of additional RAM. But, even after installing more RAM you may get low memory warnings again if you do not take proper care of the computer. After new RAM is added to your computer, you should set the disk defrag utility to run automatically once per week to maintain a properly functioning computer and avoid low memory warnings.
In some situations windows 7 provides the low memory warning when a specific piece of software is overusing the computer’s memory. This is often called a “memory leak” within the software. Determine which program on your computer is using the most memory and then find out if there are any manufacturer released software updates or patches that may solve this problem. If a memory leak is the problem causing your low memory warnings in windows 7, no matter how many times you run the disk defrag program or how much free computer maintenance you accept, you will not solve the problem.