Author: John Krupka

Computer freezes? Need a PC doctor to fix slow computers? Here’s how I clean my PC for free

Finding a PC doctor to fix slow or freezing computers can be a bothersome task that many users would rather not experience. Some PC doctors perform PC  clean ups with great accuracy, however they can be expensive. Users on a budget want to know “How can I clean my PC for FREE?”

Computer freezes can sometimes be fixed by running a simple PC clean up application. Downloading a free PC doctor or similar program can save you lots of time that would otherwise be spent waiting for a program to load or a file to save.

Here’s how I clean …

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Should I Turn My Computer On Or Leave It Off?

Computers are such an integral part of our lives nowadays, but they don’t need to be an excessive contribution to our high electric bills. I am an advocate for turning your computer off at the end of the night. There is much debate about the appropriate way to handle turning your computer on or leaving it off. There are a couple of reasons for turning it off, and in this article I will expand on those reasons.

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How To Turn Off Your Computer Properly in Windows 7

Many computer users are unaware of how to turn off your computer properly in Windows 7. Fortunately, there are safe ways to go about this task and not harm the computer in the process. Shutting down the computer with unsafe methods can cause harm to the hard drive and can also lead to memory loss. Unsaved work can be lost, which leads to frustrated computer users. Windows 7 contains a program that instructs the computer to shut down in a safe manner. Simply unplugging the power defeats the purpose of this program that you paid good money for. Following a …

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How To Delete Files Using Disk Cleanup in Windows 7

Learning how to delete files using disk cleanup in Windows 7 can save hard drive space and speed up system performance. The temporary Internet files folder contains all the information used to surf websites recently visited. Essentially most of website content is saved in the temporary Internet files folder for faster and easier access. Users who do not know how to delete files using disk cleanup in Windows 7 will experience slower than normal computer performance. However, occasionally clearing the temporary Internet files folder will eliminate this performance issue. Knowing how to delete files using disk cleanup in Windows 7

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Windows 7 Security Checklist

Using a Windows 7 security checklist is a great way to ensure the maximum amount of protection while operating Windows 7. Windows firewall, Windows defender, and Windows updates are just a few of the useful features provided by Microsoft for Windows 7 users. Take advantage of this free protection by going through a checklist of vital Windows 7 security features.Learn About Windows 7 Security Checklist with Free Computer Maintenance

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