Month: October 2011

3 Can’t Miss Websites for PC News, Tips and Tricks

It’s always good to have multiple places to get more information and help you become more well-rounded, especially when it comes to technology. Nearly every aspect of technology is constantly changing and it is only befitting that everyone try to be as well-informed as possible on the latest developments so you can make the right decisions… especially when those decisions affect your wallet and your time.

If you are looking for the most reputable places to learn more about your computer (or technology in general), these three websites are very reputable sources with a treasure trove of content.…

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How to make your old computer run like new

As time goes on our computers become more and more cluttered from the demands we put on them.  New, old and removed programs can clutter your hard drive with unused files, and junk builds up as we use our PCs to explore the messy Internet.

In addition, the programs that once ran so well on your computer regularly get updated with new features that demand more from our computers than the previous versions. All of this can make a fairly new computer run like an old PC that has been through the ringer.  If your computer no longer runs like …

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How to use CHKDSK to help with computer maintenance

Troubleshooting computer problems can be a tedious task without the proper tools. Luckily, Microsoft includes multiple useful utilities to help with computer problems.

PC troubleshooting is a breeze when using the CHKDSK (check disk) utility in Windows. Troubleshooting disk errors can be done in the command prompt, however a much more user-friendly option is available. Use CHKDSK to review damaged files, disk errors, and much more.

Ensure that you backup your important files and documents before beginning any PC troubleshooting. After saving important files and documents the next safety step to take is to make sure your computer will have …

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5 Useful & Time-Saving Windows Tricks

There are many shortcuts and little known secrets about the Windows operating system that can help can increase the quality of your user experience and the functionality of your computer.

Here are 5 ways to not only enhance your Windows user experience, but to also wow and intrigue people that are watching you use your computer.…

How to speed up your PC for free

Before I learned the information I now know about PCs, my computers all had one thing in common;  they were slow and self destructive.  Being an uninformed PC user, I made many common computer maintenance mistakes as it was not uncommon for my computers to periodically crash or for them to experience long boot times.

I thought it was because my computer was out-of-date and I because I didn’t have expensive hardware and software.  Little did I know, however, that there are many things you can do to speed up your PC for free.

If you can relate, here are …

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